The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, or CFAP, began in April 17, 2020 to provide support to producers of non-specialty crops, wool, livestock, dairy, specialty crops, nursery crops and cut flowers, aquaculture, and eggs. The first round of supportive funds (CFAP1) was available from May 26, 2020 to September 11, 2020. With the continued market disruptions cased by the coronavirus pandemic, a second round of funds (CFAP2) was made available. The applications can be accepted from September 21, 2020 to December 11, 2020. Dairy was a main commodity mentioned in both of these programs. Producers can apply two ways:
- Online through the CFAP 2 Portal
- In-person (where available) through your local FSA (Food Service Agency)
To help navigate the application, both USDA and UT Extension put together several resources.
- Websites and Factsheets
- Spreadsheets (Click below to download)
- Webinars
- Crops, Cattle & Charley: CFAP Calculator for a Dairy Operation (4 minutes) – UT Extension
- Webinar Wednesday: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Information for Dairy Producers (1 hour) – UT Extension
- Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 Producer Webinar (52 minutes) – USDA
- CFAP 2 for Livestock Producers (2 minutes) – USDA
- How to Apply for CFAP 2 (2 minutes) – USDA
- Three Categories of CFAP 2 Payments (2 minutes) – USDA
- USDA’s CFAP 2 (2 minutes) – USDA
Don’t forget, the deadline is December 11, 2020. If you haven’t applied, please consider it!